The perfect extended near vision lens for near activities

Recommended for: - Single vision wearers requiring near and intermediate vision
Weblens offers the best vision correction for such tasks as working on a drafting table, computer-related work, or simply reading a newspaper. Its wide intermediate vision enables continuous use up to about 3m (distance may vary according to the prescription).
- Ideal for extensive hours of near vision activities
- Ultimate comfort and performance for a wide desk distance vision
Weblens extends vision over bifocals and standard progressives for work-related tasks
Weblens is the new generation of reading lenses, where the power gradually decreases from the bottom portion of the lens (near zone) towards the upper portion of the lens (intermediate zone).
Bifocals offer a wide field of vision, but they are strictly limited to a single reading plane. Weblens extends the width and depth of the field of vision, making it possible to see objects beyond the near zone, such as computer screens. The focal power variation enables true intermediate vision.
Weblens provides the ultimate comfort and performance for near vision tasks
Weblens is a near vision lens with an intermediate vision degression-not a distance vision lens with near vision progression. Weblens offers the same advantages as single vision reading lenses with the added benefit of effective intermediate vision.
The wider near vision zone nearly covers the entire lower half of the lens. The full near vision power begins quickly at 5mm under the lens center. The transition from near to intermediate vision is natural and without fatiguing eye and head movements, virtually eliminating Computer Vision Syndrome.