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Help Them See

Over One Billion people don’t have access to glasses.

which means that a large portion of the world’s population is unable to learn or work because they can’t see clearly.
Glasses are one of the most effective poverty alleviation tools in the world.

We have helped donate and distributed thousands of pairs.

eyeclarity has teamed with Rotary to assist those in need. This is part of Lions for sight Inc Australia where spectacles
are collected and sent through out the world. You can donate your old eyewear at any of our stores for distribution by
Rotary to countries in need.

Why We do it.

Through our help them see program we want to help those people who do not have access to good vision.
Imagine how a pair of glasses will help an elderly person see which medicines to take or a school child able to learn to read.
So lets work together to help ensure that every one has good vision and lives a quality life.

Where do the glasses go? 

Glasses have been donated to Africa, Europe, Middle East, Indian Sub-continent, East Asia and the far east including China,
Pacififc Rim , South east Asia and Oceania.

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