Regardless of your age or physical health, quality of vision is fundamental to our quality of life. Our eyes are different and evolve and change constantly as we age. It’s essential to regularly take care of your vision and having a regular comprehensive eye examination. At eyeclarity we are committed to understanding your specific visual needs and help give you the best vision for as many years as possible.
Regular eye exams should routinely occur from 1 year of age. Screenings should begin sooner if any eye problems are suspected.
Infant eye health can have lifelong consequences — that’s why it’s so crucial to have the best care possible for common eye diseases. Proper eye care may help identify many common eye conditions, such as near-sightedness and astigmatism during childhood. As 80% of a child’s learning is visual it is important for children to have their vision and eye examined to avoid any affect it can have on their learning.
Contact lenses and glasses provide excellent correction for changing refractive error as the eye completes its growth in the early 20s. Surgical approaches to the correction of refractive error are an option once refractive error stabilizes. Adults who wear contact lenses need yearly eye exams to ensure ongoing comfortable and ongoing healthy contact lens wear.
The possibility of being diagnosed with a condition like presbyopia becomes more prevalent as your eye health faces new challenges in your 40s and 50s. Certain eye symptoms or disorders may require more frequent exams. A regular comprehensive examination is important at all stages of life to ensure good long term vision and eye health. Different conditions can be treated if detected early prior to symptoms.