Recommended for: For those who constantly uses digital devices
In these days, we spend more and more hours on a wide variety of digital devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones. Using these devices requires us to adjust our vision to near and intermediate distance more often than in the past. The e-LiFE series offers a range of choices to accommodate your specific needs so that you can fully enjoy your digital lifestyle .
e-LIFE Series
- DigiLife is a progressive lens design for wider intermediate vision zone
- H&O is an extended focus lens design for indoor activities
- Soltes is an extended focus lens design for near at hand activities
- Relaxsee is designed for non-presbyopic wearers who read and work with close-up materials extensively
Our vision in modern lifestyles
Increased time spent on digital devices has changed the way we use our vision. We are now using near to intermediate vision more often than in the past.

Lens selections to improve your digital lifestyle
Recommended lens selection for different purpose and lifestyles

Coating for the best view of your digital devices
Seecoat Blue is a blue light cut coating for enhanced contrast for digital screens